
Çб³¸í Christchurch Boys High School
ÇüÅ °ø¸³ All boys (Y9-13)
À§Ä¡ Christchurch
  • Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ, ±â¼÷»ç (±â¼÷»ç ½ºÆäÀ̽º ¸Å¿ì ÇÑÁ¤)
  • Á¦°ø°úÁ¤: NCEA
  • Àü±³»ý ¾à 1400¸í
  • ±¹Á¦Çлý: ¾à 70¸í
  • https://www.cbhs.school.nz/
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Years: 9-13
Accommodation: Homestay or Boarding
Location: Riccarton, Christchurch
Total Roll: 1400
International Students: 70
The School
The School has a reputation for academic excellence and an extensive co-curricular programme, and is regarded as one of New Zealand¡¯s leading schools. Christchurch Boys¡¯ High School believes in high standards and the pursuit of excellence – in academic work, in sport and culture, in discipline and behaviour and in service to others.
Academic Programme
The course structure is designed to prepare the boys for the future with a modern approach to course design. Junior students are given the opportunity to explore the broader curriculum before focusing on their strengths and interests in the senior school. We have seen many international students pathway to top universities after completing University Entrance in Year13.
Extra-Curricular Programme
The school actively promotes the participation of boys in sporting and cultural activities. There is a wide choice of summer and winter sports, cultural activities and clubs. Orchestra and Drama clubs often work alongside our sister school, Christchurch Girls' High School.
English Language Support
A Pathway Programme is provided for students who are just below the suitable level for success in some mainstream classrooms. This programme consists of ESOL Science, ESOL English and 3 or 4 mainstream electives. The students can still earn credits with language development as a focus in the first year and continue their pathway to success.
Subject Highlights: Science, Mathematics, Commerce and English.
Cultural Highlights: Pasifika, Kapa Haka, Musical Performance Groups, Choir.
Sporting Highlights: Rugby, Rowing, Cycling, Hockey, Football.
For further information: https://www.cbhs.school.nz

Christchurch Boys High School ÀÔÇй®ÀÇ : ÇÁ¶óÀÓÀ¯Çпø



  • »óÈ£: ÇÁ¶óÀÓ À¯Çпø
  • »ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£: 128-27-41382
  • ´ëÇ¥: ¾çÁ¤¾Æ
